Friday, October 23, 2020

October Update

This is year has been a wreck this far. That's what people said. With the pandemic going around, everything seems like to descend into madness. But I think people are starting to get used to it, some even take it too far as if nothing is happened. Indonesia is way behind the world in this case. Number is going down in other countries, but here it is still going strong. And it is no wonder. A lot of people here are not taking thing seriously. They neglect the safety protocol, even mocking others who obey it. To me, it shows the lack of empathy. This virus affects people differently, in most case it has light to mild symptoms. But it can be severe to the immunocompromised community member, such as elder people and people with pre existing condition. I can't imagine the nightmare these people experienced and it must be hurt watching other people ignore the safety protocol and any precaution because it also means they don't care about other people's live and well being.

The silver lining of this pandemic is, working from home is a thing now. People finally (forced) realized that you can still get work done even without going to the office. I've been working from home for around 9 months, with occasional visit to the office. And honestly, things are going well. I can do as much work as I did in the office, with the benefit conformity of my home. It's not always like that though. The first few months were the hardest. Especially, when my daughter did not know boundary yet. I often miss the solitary of my desk in the office. Alhamdulillah things are better now. We establish routine pretty well and my daughter is starting to understand that for a certain period, I can't accompany her.  

But things are different for D. He did work from home for some times, but he is starting to go to the office again. Working from home for him means work has no office hour. He worked from dusk till dawn and more. And I was surprised seeing how much meeting he should attend in a day. Sometimes it was all day meeting. I hope he can find something challenging and enjoyable in that crazy hours.

That's all for now. Hope I can catch up soon. Be safe, people.