Monday, June 21, 2021

Music Habit

 Do you like to listen to the music? I do. A lot. I did it while working or just relaxing. I used to to do it while studying too so that some music are corelated to exam atmosphere for me. The genres I listened to are mostly pop, alternative, slow rock, country, and others, it really depends on my current mood and what objective I want to achieve. For me, music is a tool that can instantly transport me to a whole different ambience. It almost like an escape.    

I create a playlist according to my personal experience with the songs,  be it a place or a feeling. And I listen to that playlist whenever I need to feel that experience back. It helps me a lot to heal and to find peace when my mind is unsettled. 

Looking back, I might indeed using music (and the books) as a way to escape reality. We had a big music player stereo back than, but I can only use it when my father was not home. When he was home and take control of the stereo, I used my reliable Sony walkman (do you remember walkman??!!!) to listen to my cassettes. And I think it was around that time I fall in love with listening music privately. I did it while reading my books and while studying to block any noise. I can concentrate alright with songs on my ears, but I can't concentrate on work when there's conversation going on around me.

This become a habit I carry thorough the year. Walkman was replaced by to musicplayer3 (MP3), then it was replaced by handphone, then I had my iPod. Oh how I love my iPod. It was the rectangular one with a with disc button on it. I got mine in electric blue and I still have it in my bag now. But I don't use it anymore because of Spotify took over. So I'm back at my phone and my laptop, as the main music listening device.

Funny thing is even the device is evolving, the music is relatively constant. I'm still listening to song I heard in my teenager years. With a little addition here and there. But my comfort songs is still the very same ones I listened to back than. However, Spotify helps me to explore and find other lovely songs. Thank you, technology. 

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