Monday, July 5, 2021

Pandemic and stupidity.

Gw hampir ga pernah dengerin atau baca berita nasional sejak entah berapa lama. Bukannya ga peduli dengan apa yang terjadi di sekitar, tapi untuk menjaga kesehatan mental. Karena setiap lihat berita nasional bawaannya emosi. There's too many stupidity in there. Hal - hal yang seharusnya bisa dicegah atau ditangani dengan lebih baik jika saja kita punya common sense, gagal untuk diatasi. Jadi lebih sering baca berita dari channel internasional.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Music Habit

 Do you like to listen to the music? I do. A lot. I did it while working or just relaxing. I used to to do it while studying too so that some music are corelated to exam atmosphere for me. The genres I listened to are mostly pop, alternative, slow rock, country, and others, it really depends on my current mood and what objective I want to achieve. For me, music is a tool that can instantly transport me to a whole different ambience. It almost like an escape.    

Wednesday, June 16, 2021



Good morning! So much for trying to be consistent in writing blog posts huh? He he he. Work and other issues are just excuses, really. If I really mean it, I will write a post or two. But I didn't. So I guess I'm not  that keen.

Friday, January 22, 2021



    Can you believe it's 2021 already? Many people hope this year to be better than 2020. which, lets admit, has been a wreck. The main cause is of course the pandemic. It was started in March in Indonesia and continued through out the year. It's still happening now, but it seems like most of people forget about it or they just don't care. They said, "I'm tired of this pandemic. I want to be free. I'm bored staying at home." Do they realize that the virus doesn't care? The virus is not bored. It's still here. But the good news is the vaccine is on the way. I heard the government has started to give vaccine to some categories. 

    During the pandemic last year, one thing I'm feeling grateful the most were I can work from home. I'm still working from home now. Going to the office only once or twice in a week. This WFH trend should make people realize that as long as the job done, it can be done from anywhere. You don't need to be physically present in the office or in the meeting. And I love it! Ha ha ha. I admit the first few weeks were hard, I missed the solitary of my desk in the office.  But, after finding the routine, it was relatively smooth sailing. It's even hard for me now imagining going to the office every day. I mean, what's the point? If I can get the job done from home, why should I waste money and time for the trip? 

    Some agencies have done surveys about WFH effectivity and I really hope that this can change working culture. For some works, time spent doing the job is not relevant to the result. Working more hours does not always mean better result. Some times, working more hours means they don't have good system and good time management. 

    So yeah, I hope I can keep doing my job remotely even after this pandemic ends. Wish you have a good day and being in good health.

Friday, October 23, 2020

October Update

This is year has been a wreck this far. That's what people said. With the pandemic going around, everything seems like to descend into madness. But I think people are starting to get used to it, some even take it too far as if nothing is happened. Indonesia is way behind the world in this case. Number is going down in other countries, but here it is still going strong. And it is no wonder. A lot of people here are not taking thing seriously. They neglect the safety protocol, even mocking others who obey it. To me, it shows the lack of empathy. This virus affects people differently, in most case it has light to mild symptoms. But it can be severe to the immunocompromised community member, such as elder people and people with pre existing condition. I can't imagine the nightmare these people experienced and it must be hurt watching other people ignore the safety protocol and any precaution because it also means they don't care about other people's live and well being.

The silver lining of this pandemic is, working from home is a thing now. People finally (forced) realized that you can still get work done even without going to the office. I've been working from home for around 9 months, with occasional visit to the office. And honestly, things are going well. I can do as much work as I did in the office, with the benefit conformity of my home. It's not always like that though. The first few months were the hardest. Especially, when my daughter did not know boundary yet. I often miss the solitary of my desk in the office. Alhamdulillah things are better now. We establish routine pretty well and my daughter is starting to understand that for a certain period, I can't accompany her.  

But things are different for D. He did work from home for some times, but he is starting to go to the office again. Working from home for him means work has no office hour. He worked from dusk till dawn and more. And I was surprised seeing how much meeting he should attend in a day. Sometimes it was all day meeting. I hope he can find something challenging and enjoyable in that crazy hours.

That's all for now. Hope I can catch up soon. Be safe, people.


Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Grow Thicker Skin

I stumbled upon a post on IG about wanting only 1 kid today. And the real punch is when the caption said, "I don't know why I have to justified my reasons to a stranger." That is something that I feel very often, but I guess I've never really comprehend. I just now that it didn't feel right every time I have conversation about not wanting another kid, I feel obliged to give valid reason why I don't want it for now. I don't have to. I don't have to tell them my reasons. It's my life, my body, my decision.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Try to be Content

Can you you believe it's March already? Yet I still haven't got any salary, cheers to bureaucracy. But frankly, I'm not surpsrised. The previous almost same process took around 6 month to finished, so I kinda estimate it will be the same. Eventhogh I still hope it will be faster this time since it affects my other affairs.